Steven Jermaine Jones


Steven Jermaine Jones



Photography by Alex Bershaw

Instagram: @alexbershaw

Poet & Writer & Muse Mariama Rafetna

Instagram: @madidangerously


“Resilience is getting up each day to create that what doesn’t yet exist against all odds. Trusting in things you can’t name or see, following a vision - a feeling inside of you telling you. Knowing that you are destined for more. Creating your own doorways when the path seems blocked. Never settling. Staying in the flow of attraction. Recognizing every facet of abundance in our lives.... a steady willingness to grow with humility & courage to be knocked down and continuously get back up. Spreading your wings to fly even when you didn’t know you had them. The strength to breathe air and love into yourself in others and be a light when everything else is dark.... that is where resilience lives within all of us.”

- Mariama Rafetna

A Jamaican born, African American, Lifestyle Fashion Photographer based in Washington D.C. I love to create art with my camera. It never leaves my side. I love to create art with my words. Love. Live. Beautifully.