Steven Jermaine Jones

Duality (Mixed Media)

Steven Jermaine Jones
Duality (Mixed Media)



Ashleigh Alexandria

Instagram: thevirginartiste


In regards to the theme "Purpose", I chose this image because it gives me a sense of nostalgia as someone who grew up in the church. The balance in the composition reminds me of how we try to find harmony while we are here on Earth. The slight twist in his head is a representation of how sometimes we may stray off track. However, the body paint design is of The Galaxy. Ultimately, it is a symbol of how God and The Universe is already in us wherever we go. We can tap into it and our purpose at any time.

This submission is also an extension of my series "Virgin Skin", which involves the body paint medium as a way to cultivate a different narrative of Black and Brown people (more specifically, Black women). Representation matters, especially for my people so I want to always uplift them.

Along with the designs I paint, I strive to depict the soul and talents of the people as well so that they are involved in the process of my works and feel connected to it.

Find more of her work at

A Jamaican born, African American, Lifestyle Fashion Photographer based in Washington D.C. I love to create art with my camera. It never leaves my side. I love to create art with my words. Love. Live. Beautifully.